XYZ Company Network Summary Report

Executive Summary Report: XYZ Company
Created: 10:09:35 am 1-May-08
For all machines in the group XYZ Company
For data collected in the last 31 days
Client Information
Contact Person Joe Smith
IT Manager
Servers Managed 1
Workstations Managed 11
Total Systems Managed 12
System Activity Last 30 Days
Patch Scans Completed372
Patches Installed65
Audits Completed1068
Ticket Status
Tickets Created Last 31 Days 0
Total Tickets Past Due 0
Tickets Closed Last 31 Days 0
Disk Space Used
Network Health Score
Patch Score98%* 1/3
OS Score98%* 1/3
Disk Score90%* 1/3
Operating Systems
Patch Status
Alarm Notifications
AlertEvent Log30
AlertLAN Watch2
AlertAgent Offline1
AlertAgent Online1
AlertPatch Found3
No System Alarms Found0
No SNMP Alarms Found0
No System Check Alarms Found0
No System Check Alarms Found0
License Summary
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition Service Pack 1 Build 3790  1
Total 1

Windows 2000 Professional Edition Service Pack 4 Build 2195  1
Windows XP Professional Edition Service Pack 2 Build 2600  10
Total 11

Microsoft Office Licenses 
Office 2007 1
Office 2003 7
Office XP 2
Office 2000 0
Office 97 0
Total 10
How To Read This Report:
System Activity
  • Patch Scans Completed – The total number times machines have been scanned for installed and missing security patches.
  • Patches Installed – The total number of security patches that have been installed on machines.
  • Audits Completed – The total number of times machines have been audited for hardware and software changes.
  • Backups Completed – The total number of times machines have been successfully backed up.
Ticket Status This section provides a quick overview on the status of Help Desk Tickets. A good status indication is that there are no overdue tickets and more closed tickets than open tickets.
Disk Space Used Displays the percentage of hard drive space used on either all machines or just servers. These relate to network drives or shared folders. A good status indicator is that the space used is less than 60%.
Network Health Score This is a weighted average calculation that provides an At a Glance overall all network health score. Individual items are scored 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest). Scores are totaled, averaged and weighted to generate a percentage.
Operating Systems Displays the different Windows operating system platforms installed on machines in the network. A good status indicator is that all mission critical machines or server have Windows 2000 or higher installed.
Patch Status Displays the current amount of patches needing to be installed on machines in the network. A good status indicator is zero un-scanned machines and a very low number of machines missing patches.
Alarm Notifications Displays the total number of each alarm notification generated. Alarms are not generally bad or good. Alarms are the result of proactive monitoring of key system elements. Alarms provide the basis for behind the scene actions that keep the network healthy and operational.
License Summary Displays the total of all Microsoft Server, Workstation and Office licenses.